Monday, March 19, 2012

March Flowers

While I was away in Pasadena, my parents dog sat for me.  They love their grand-doggy in part because that is the closest thing to a grand kid that they have.  My dad would trade us all in for my dog, Roms.   He loves him (well he loves all dogs & birds) so much and really is terrible about reinforcing bad habits.  But really, how can you refuse a face like this.
Waiting for a floor score

So I come home from Pasadena and my mom bought me flowers.  (now make sure you say the sentences by mom out loud with your best Japanese accent otherwise the effect is not the same).

Me:  Mom, thanks so much for the flowers.
Mom:  Ahhh, you know, you buy cut flower and you never water them so they die.
(I think she starts out most sentences with ahhhh, you part because it gives her more time)
Me:  Well they only last so long because they are cut flowers.
Mom:  I know, so I got you real ones.  You can plant them after they done.

Live spring flowers from my mom
Double bonus for February and March!  The only bad thing is now I have to go find the time and find a spot for them to plant them.

True to form, I did go out and buy flowers for March.  Just because I received flowers does not mean I should stop buying flowers every month.  It means I get to enjoy more.  I have become quite adept at justifications.  I mean I've had 39 years to perfect this skill.

  I wonder what my mom will say when she sees another bouquet of cut flowers.....
March Bouquet


  1. Bwahahaha! Your mom cracks me up :-) I bet you could write a book!

    I'm glad you buy yourself flowers, I think it's very cool.

    1. I could write a book but my impersonations are much better. Especially when she compares my coaching to being a potato farmer.

      Buying flowers each month is good self care. It will be nice when the farmers markets open and I can have a better variety!
