Sunday, January 1, 2012


The start of the new year brings birth and renewal.  Often people make resolutions that are not kept.  I thought it would be fitting on the first day of the year to write about a few of my own personal goals.

One of my goals is to run a marathon.  Unfortunately in the process of becoming a runner I have faced some physical issues.  I have actively taken steps to ensure ways to prevent injury and to recover.  I had taken a break from running because of issues with my IT band in 2010.  I have worked on  tightening and strengthening muscles. Since 2010 I have not had any pain. Currently, I'm dealing with pain in my left foot after running.  In early December I could not walk or bear weight for two days.  Through my great PT and trainer I am doing exercises and stretching to work through this....but I had negative thoughts cloud my view.  I thought to myself 'how can I run a marathon if I am limping after a three mile run'?

Then my dad called me.   

On my dad's birthday at Mt Hood
My dad is my best supporter and hero.  After I ran my first half marathon he asked me "When are you doing a marathon"?  You must have some background about my dad.  He is not a talker.  When he does say something it is either because it is very important to him or he is joking.  In addition, my dad can shoot a look across the room that will make you cower and I have inherited this ability to give you "the look".  Which may come in handy some day as a parent.

My dad had heard there was a half marathon in Vancouver and wanted to know if I was running. He wanted to come down and "boo and hiss" at me as I ran by.  Again here is my dad's sense of humor of offering support and paying for breakfast afterwards.  I told him I was running but with friends through the Runner Chick Training Club not in a race.

Runner Chick Training Club - Pints to Pasta 2011

My dad wants to come to my next race that is local which will be the Portland Rock n Roll Half in May.  He also tells me that he thinks it's great that I'm running these races and is proud of me.  This brought tears to my eyes.  (I have not signed up for a marathon even though it is on my list of experiences).

Later that night I registered for the Eugene Marathon.  One cannot accomplish a goal without commitment and action.  With that I am going to continue my training and stretching daily to keep the flexion in my ankle, lengthen my soleus and hamstrings which is currently causing the pain in the fascial tissue in my foot.  I will run the Eugene Marathon in April.  I think his call came at the right time to give me the nudge I needed.

Today I celebrated New Years with my mom.  Oshogatsu actually begins before New Years with the cleaning and wrapping up of the last year and starting fresh with the new year.  In Japan, the Buddhist temples will ring the bells 108 times on the night before the new year.  New years day is spent with family and not working.  Children will visit family and receive envelopes with money.  

The new year is a beginning of many firsts.  Today I will be partaking in the New Years celebration by having traditional Japanese foods called osechi.  It will be my first meal of the new year with my mom.  This is my first blog of the year.  I will also be working on listening and talking with my mom in Japanese - another first for the year.  On my list of experiences is 11.  Improve my vocabulary and ability to speak Japanese This encompasses not only working on being able to communicate but my connection to my heritage.  Ultimately, it also it is my hope that I can pass this onto the next generation.

With my mom on her 84th birthday

How different can one's perspective be as they shift their thinking to this experiencing everything for the first time.  What delight one can have much as they did as a will it change my view of the world?  

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